Aviation Valley Foundation

The COVID-19 pandemic has made considerable changes to the way that students are learning about science, technology, engineering and math. Lessons are now being taught exclusively through online platforms and our colleagues in Poland are volunteering as subject matter experts to educate the next generation of STEM leaders.

In southeastern Poland, a region coined “Aviation Valley” represents 90% of the country’s aerospace industry. With such a presence, the region is committed to exposing local youth to the opportunities a career in STEM can bring them. The Aviation Valley Foundation was established eight years ago to create new development opportunities for children and young people through interactive classes, hands-on activities and scientific demonstrations at no cost. 

Pratt & Whitney is a longtime supporter of the Aviation Valley Foundation. The foundation’s main program, Children’s Technical University, was created to provide mentoring and tutoring for school-aged youth. The program has since moved to a virtual platform, but the attendance by the students has not wavered.

Volunteers, including Pratt & Whitney employees, have assisted in developing and teaching the curriculum which have amassed more than 5,000 video views by the students. These videos comprehensively cover topics about space, physics, engineering and math. Lessons like these help children determine if the path toward a STEM career is the right one for them.

The main task of the Aviation Valley Foundation is to conduct educational and scientific activities, in particular in the field of: popularizing science and education, raising the level of education of children and youth, especially from rural, rural and urban areas and small towns, popularizing the idea of ​​lifelong learning. In addition, our goal is to promote the benefits of knowledge and education, mainly by increasing the importance of the role of science and education in the awareness of residents of various environments. Through our activities, we want to create opportunities for development and self-realization and provide equal educational opportunities.